The Top EdTech Trends to Follow in 2024- Part 2


A Case Study-

In the quest to assist my 11-year-old daughter, Daisy, in preparing for her SAT exams and overcoming the challenges of falling behind in math due to long-term illness, I stumbled upon a transformative solution – ChatGPT4. The revelation came at a crucial time when Daisy was transitioning from primary to secondary school, facing the pressure of formal examinations.

Attempting to tackle math revision, I soon realized the task, especially with the added burden of ensuring an engaging and effective learning experience for my daughter. ChatGPT3.5 had already piqued my interest, but with the advent of ChatGPT4, I saw an opportunity to address this real-life problem.

Exploring online resources, I discovered a method to create a virtual math tutor using ChatGPT. I trained the AI with relevant prompts to tailor a personalized leaper for Daisy. The process involved instructing ChatGPT to generate prompts like a personal tutor, and the results were remarkable.

The birth of “Lizzy,” the virtual tutor, took place with careful consideration of Daisy’s preferences, incorporating humour and engagement. We created a dynamic and personalized learning environment by providing the AI with information about Daisy’s age, math weaknesses, and her love for puns. The virtual tutor addressed specific areas of improvement and injected humour into the sessions, keeping Daisy motivated and interested.

The integration of AI into education, as demonstrated by the success with “Lizzy,” offers a glimpse into the future of learning. The ability to quickly train virtual tutors to cater to individual needs opens up possibilities for a fair and personalized education playing field for students of varying attainment levels and learning needs.

In essence, this experience with ChatGPT4 has provided a firsthand glimpse into the transformative potential of AI in education, offering personalized and personalized experiences that can benefit students regardless of their current academic standing.

Artificial intelligence, particularly ChatGPT, is a valuable resource for learners with ADHD, providing personalized assistance in addressing various challenges associated with executive function.

Restorative Circles 

Connection circles are a subset of a more extensive system of practices known as “Restorative Practices.” These practices adhere to basic principles and values as expressed in the 5 R’s: 

  • Relationship, 
  • Respect, 
  • Responsibility, 
  • Repair, And 
  • Reintegration. 

The essence of a vital philosophy is that relationships are affected by rule-breaking, wrongdoing, or conflict and can be healed by a respectful process that offers students the opportunity to take responsibility for how their choices have affected the person(s) most directly harmed, the school community, and themselves.

Restorative circles present a powerful opportunity to foster connections and build relationships in the classroom. They are not only beneficial at the beginning of the school year. Still, they can be utilized through the academic calendar for various purposes, such as reviewing educational content, addressing challenges, and maintaining positive relationships. 

The AI revolution in education necessitates the cultivation of specific virtues by leaders, facilitating a seamless transition for teachers and students. The following virtues are integral for navigating this transformative era effectively:

  1. Collaborative Leadership:
  • Engage with edtech companies to foster the development of AI-powered educational tools, enhancing student learning and staff productivity.
  • Collaborate with educational institutions and organizations to share data, insights, and resources, promoting a collective approach to AI implementation.
  • Build diverse teams with varied perspectives to ensure the ethical and inclusive development of AI solutions.
  • Foster open communication to establish stakeholder trust, aligning AI systems with the school’s mission and values.
  1. Inclusive Leadership:
  • Address multifaceted inclusivity challenges, spanning access to technology, skill development, and diverse thought.
  • To bridge the digital divide, provide access to revolutionary learning tools, including AI development kits and cloud-based platforms.
  • Organize training programs and workshops open to all, demystifying AI and making it accessible.
  • Create a diverse community of AI learners by actively reaching out to underrepresented groups and facilitating mentorship opportunities.
  1. Adaptable Leadership:
  • Keep pace with evolving technologies and tools in the dynamic AI landscape.
  • Adjust teaching strategies to leverage new tools effectively, tailoring approaches to meet students’ unique needs.
  • Foster collaboration with diverse networks, including educators, tech experts, and industry professionals.
  • Embrace a learning-from-mistakes mindset to remain open to new possibilities in the ever-changing AI environment.
  1. Ethical Leadership:
  • Recognize the ethical implications of AI and its potential impact on individuals and society.
  • Prioritize designing and implementing AI systems that align with ethical standards, preventing harm and discrimination.
  • Uphold transparency and accountability in using AI to build trust with stakeholders.
  • Ensure fair and equitable AI practices to close achievement gaps and provide equal opportunities for all students.
  1. Lifelong Learning Leadership:
  • Stay informed about the latest trends and innovations in educational AI by reading journals and attending conferences.
  • Be adaptable and willing to shift focus as AI evolves, embracing new ideas and learning from mistakes.
  • Cultivate a culture of continuous learning within the educational community, inspiring innovation among teachers and students.
  • Establish a supportive network of educational leaders to share insights and collaborate on advancing AI in education.

Integrating AI tools in education is transforming the teaching and learning experience. 

Here’s A Closer Look At Some Of The Best AI Tools For Teachers In 2024:

ClassPoint AI:

  • Special Features: Generates questions from PowerPoint slides, turns questions into interactive quizzes (MCQs, Short Answers, Fill in the Blanks), and is customizable as Bloom’s Taxonomy.
  • Pricing: Free with a subscription option for additional features.


  • Special Features: AI-powered paraphrasing tool for creating lesson materials and supporting language learners. Includes grammar checking, plagiarism checking, and citation generation.
  • Pricing: Free and premium plans starting at USD 9.95 monthly.

PowerPoint Speaker Coach:

  • Special Features: Analyzes voice pAnaAnalyzesand emphasizes during presentations and offers suggestions for improvement. Suitable for enhancing presentation delivery.
  • Pricing: Offers both free and paid versions.

  • Special Features: Uses AI to generate visually appealing presentation slides based on text input—seamless integration with Google Workspace, pre-made templates, and themes available.
  • Pricing: Free with affordable paid plans starting from USD 10.60 monthly.

Education CoPilot:

  • Special Features: Helps in designing curriculum, lesson plans, and activities. Assists in creating custom learning plans tailored to individual student needs. Instantly generates teaching materials.
  • Pricing: Offers both free and paid versions.


  • Special Features: AI-powered grading and assessment tool supporting a variety of subjects. Built-in plagiarism checker, detailed analytics, and collaboration features.
  • Pricing: Free and paid versions are available.

Formative AI:

  • Special Features: Assesses student work in real-time, provides personalized AI analysis, and supports various question types. It helps create personalized formats according to individual student competency.
  • Pricing: Completely free to use.

Using Chatgpt For ADHD Students:

Independence and Agency:

  • Students can independently access ChatGPT to create study schedules, task lists, effective study methods, and time management.

Scaffolding Supports:

  • Access to visual aids, concept summaries, comprehension questions, examples, and more aids ADHD students in their learning journey.

Metacognitive Learning Strategies:

  • Using AI as support is an opportunity for growth and empowerment, helping students identify and access the necessary support.

Guidance For Younger Students:

  • Younger students require explicit instruction on effective ChatGPT use, fostering skills contributing to self-advocacy and learning ownership.

Legal And Privacy Considerations:

  • For students under eighteen, ChatGPT usage should involve collaboration between parents and educators due to legal and privacy concerns.

Enhancing Learning In Reading And Math Assignments:

Distraction Reduction:

  • ChatGPT serves as a personal tutor, helping students comprehend texts, solve multi-step math problems, and understand formulas, reducing distractions and frustration.

Conversational Interface:

  • ChatGPT’s conversational tone and focused responses simplify the learning process compared to traditional search engines.

Executive Functioning Support:

  • ADHD students benefit from ChatGPT’s assistance in creating outlines, enhancing writing style, providing grammar guidance, answering specific questions, and offering dictionary/thesaurus support.

Resource, Not A Replacement:

  • Emphasizes that EmpEmphasizesrce and tool, not a replacement for human innovation. AI supports neurodiverse individuals in overcoming academic challenges.

Unlocking Potential:

  • AI resources can remove obstacles, allowing individuals with ADHD to communicate their thoughts and achieve academic success.

This comprehensive overview highlights the positive impact of AI, particularly ChatGPT, in catering to the unique needs of students with ADHD, fostering a more inclusive and supportive educational environment.

How To Use AI Tools Effectively:

Define Your Goals:

  • Identify areas where you need assistance, such as grading, lesson planning, or student engagement.

Research Available Tools:

  • Explore and choose AI tools based on your specific needs and preferences.

Integrate the Tools Into Your Teaching:

  • Experiment with the selected tools and gradually incorporate them into your teaching workflow.
  • Analyze Results: Analyzing results provided by the tools to make informed decisions about your teaching approach.

Advantages Of Using AI In Teaching:


  • Streamlines administrative tasks, allowing teachers to focus more on meaningful student interactions.
  • Personalized Learning- tailoring lessons and support for individual student needs, ensuring a more personalized and competency-based learning

Increased Engagement:

  • Makes learning more interactive and engaging, keeping students interested and focused.

Data-Driven Insights:

  • Provides valuable data on student performance, behaviour, and engagement, enabling data-driven decision-making.

AI’s Role In Education For Adhd Students:

  • Personalized LeaPerPersonalized algorithms analyze learning and analyze strengths and weaknesses to create tailored plans differentiated by content, pacing, and rigour.
  • Social Skills Development:
  • Robots enhance social skills through storytelling, positively impacting cognitive performance.

Focus-Enhancing Tools:

  • Watches with sensors offer reminders to students, promoting focus during tasks.

Immediate Feedback:

The software provides instant feedback and develops engaging, personalized lessons, personalized

Role: ChatGPT offers a viable option for students with ADHD, addressing executive function tasks like organization and organization.

In conclusion, AI tools are valuable allies for teachers, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in various aspects of education. These tools empower educators to create more engaging and personalized lessons for their students.

Ignoring AI could exacerbate existing digital disparities among students in this pivotal moment. Leaders equipped with these virtues are crucial for fostering true innovation and ensuring a more inclusive and technologically advanced educational landscape.